By OnlineEdumath   |  11th June, 2023
xy = 40 ------ (1).   b = 4+x-5 b = x-1 y(x-1) = 20 ------ (2). At (1) x = 40/y ------ (3). Notice; y is the length or base of the rectangle. Substituting (3) in (2) to get y. y((40/y)-1) = 2...
By OnlineEdumath   |  11th June, 2023
Screenshot of today's teaching and learning activities with arithmetical, super smart and clever Oghenevwarhe. Oghenevwarhe is in year 8. Educator: Mr. Daniel
By OnlineEdumath   |  10th June, 2023
Making a circle to ascribe A, B, C and E quadrilateral with the circumference of the circle cutting across A, B, C and E. Therefore; Angle ABC will be; ½(240) = 120° Parallelogram ABCD height is;...
By OnlineEdumath   |  10th June, 2023
Let the inscribed square side be a. tan60 = a/b a = √(3)b cm. Where b is BS = CR It implies; b+√(3)b+b = 10 (2+√(3))b = 10 b = 10(2-√(3)) cm. Therefore; a = √(3)*10(2-√(3)) a = 10(2√(3)-3) cm....
By OnlineEdumath   |  10th June, 2023
The Management and Educators of Online Edumath gladly wish you, Ogheneruona a happy birthday. Thank you for allowing us to celebrate with you. Ogheneruona is a year 10 student, a Mathematician, a...
By OnlineEdumath   |  10th June, 2023
Our certified, experienced, resilient, productive and committed Math Educators will be glad to be at your service. We make teaching and learning Mathematics fun for learners, we expose the simplicit...
By OnlineEdumath   |  10th June, 2023
½(360-60-60-64-36) = ½(140) = 70° Therefore; Required angle is; 180-64-70 = 180-134 = 46°
By OnlineEdumath   |  10th June, 2023
Let the base of the quadrilateral be 1 unit. (1/sin80) = (a/sin60) a = 0.87938524157 units. (0.87938524157/sin80) = (b/sin30) b = 0.44647558819 units. c² = 0.44647558819²+1-2*0.44647558819cos110 ...
By OnlineEdumath   |  10th June, 2023
AD = √(12²+6²) AD = 6√(5) cm. Angle AMD = atan(2√(5))° Angle EBM = (90-ata(2√(5)))° sin(90-ata(2√(5))) = EM/9 EM = 1.96396101212 cm. Angle CME = 180-atan(2√(5)) = 102.60438264838° (CE)² = 9+1.9...
By OnlineEdumath   |  9th June, 2023
Let a be the side of the inscribed square. Calculating a. tan60 = a/b b = a/(tan60) cm. Where b is BS = CR. Therefore; 2b+a = 10 2a/(tan60)+a = 10 a((2/tan60)+1) = 10 a = 10(2√(3)-3) cm. a = 4.6...
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