By OnlineEdumath   |  18th November, 2023
Online Edumath Educators and Learners are Super Smart and Amazingly, Very Clever. Communicate us to mentor/teach your child/children Mathematics online at affordable tuition, helping them become a l...
By OnlineEdumath   |  14th November, 2023
Let the base of the quadrilateral be 1 unit. a = 180-24-48-30 a = 78° (1/sin24) = (b/sin78) b = 2.4048671724 units. c = 180-48-24-42 c = 66° (2.4048671724/sin66) = (d/sin66) d = 2.4048671724 uni...
By OnlineEdumath   |  14th November, 2023
Let r be the radius of the two congruent inscribed semi circles. Calculating r. (2r)² = 2²+(3-2r)² 4r² = 4+9-12r+4r² 12r = 13 r = (13/12) units. It implies; Area Shaded is; Area rectangle with he...
By OnlineEdumath   |  14th November, 2023
Let p be 2^(a) Therefore; (p³+p²)/(p²+8) = 8 8p²+64 = p³+p² p³-7p² = 64 p²(p-7) = 64 It implies; p ≠ 7  p = 8 And; p = 8 = 2^(a)  2^(a) = 2³ a = 3
By OnlineEdumath   |  14th November, 2023
10^(2a) + 10^(3a) = 36 Let p be 10^(a) Therefore; p² + p³ = 36. It implies; p = 3 And; 10^(a) = p = 3 a = log3/log10 a = 0.47712125472
By OnlineEdumath   |  14th November, 2023
Let the side of the regular pentagon be 1 unit. Therefore; Area purple is; Area trapezium with two parallel side 0.07294901687 unit and 0.38196601125 unit, and height cos18 unit. = 0.5*cos18*(0.07...
By OnlineEdumath   |  12th November, 2023
Let the side length of the regular heptagon be 1 unit. a = ⅐(180(7-2))  a = 128.5714285714° Where a is the single interior angle of the regular heptagon. b² = 2-2cos128.5714285714 b = 1.8019377358...
By OnlineEdumath   |  12th November, 2023
a² = 8-8cos(360-90-108) a² = 8-8cos162 a = 3.9507533624 units. b = ½(180-162) b = 9° c = 90+9 c = 99° d² = 3.9507533624²+1-2*3.9507533624cos99 d = 4.2242774658 units. (4.2242774658/sin99) = (3.9...
By OnlineEdumath   |  10th November, 2023
Online Edumath Educators and Learners are Super Smart and Amazingly, Very Clever. Communicate us to mentor/teach your child/children Mathematics online at affordable tuition, helping them become a l...
By OnlineEdumath   |  10th November, 2023
Notice; Red circle and black circle are congruent, they have equal radius, 1 cm. Calculating Area Shaded. a = 60-45 a = 15° It implies; Area Shaded is; Area sector with radius 1 cm...
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