Our Smart and Clever Learners

1. Adesuwa Amadin (year 7), England.

2. Oghosa Amadin (year 9), England.

3. Manasseh Desmond (Senior Secondary 1), Nigeria.

4. Oghenemano Ejemah (Senior  Secondary 1), Nigeria.

5. Ogheneruno Ephivbotor (Senior Secondary 2), Nigeria.

6. Prince Iyobhebhe (year 6), England.

7. Ogheneruemu Ephivbotor (Junior Secondary 1), Nigeria.

8. Oghenezino Ejemah (Junior Secondary 1), Nigeria.

9. Efemena Ephivbotor (Junior Secondary 3), Nigeria.

10. Oghenemena Ejemah (Primary 3), Nigeria.

11. Martins Ephivboto (Senior Secondary 2), Nigeria.

12. Louisa Ephivboto (Senior Secondary 1), Nigeria.

13. Joshua Osaghae (year 2), England.

14. Chukwudi Nwosu (Junior Secondary 3), Nigeria.

15. Mirabel Nwosu (Junior Secondary 2), Nigeria.

16. Victoria Bartholomew (year 6), England.

17. Joseph Bartholomew (year 8), England.

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