By OnlineEdumath   |  9th November, 2023
Our certified, experienced, resilient, productive and committed Math Educators will be glad to be at your service. We make teaching and learning Mathematics fun for learners, we expose the simplic...
By OnlineEdumath   |  5th November, 2023
Let AB be x. Therefore BC = 2x. Calculating x. Yellow area + Area triangle with height 2x and base ½(3x)sin60 = Area trapezoid with two parallel side ½(3x) and 2x, and height ½(3√(3)x). Therefore;...
By OnlineEdumath   |  5th November, 2023
Area blue exactly in cm² decimal is; Area trapezoid with two parallel sides 12 unit and (12-16tan15) unit, and height 16 unit - Area triangle with height (12-16tan15) unit and base 4 unit - Area tr...
By OnlineEdumath   |  3rd November, 2023
Notice; cos2x = 1-2(sinx)² --- (1). Substituting (1) in the given equation. ½(3-6(sinx)²+3)+4sinx+1 = 0 3-6(sinx)²+3+8sinx+2 = 0 6(sinx)²-8sinx-8 = 0 Calculating sinx. Let sinx be p. 6p²-8p-8 =...
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd November, 2023
sinxcos60+sin60cosx-(cosxcos45+sinxsin45) = 0 0.5sinx+½(√(3)cosx)-½(√(2)cosx)-½(√(2)sinx) = 0 0.5sinx-½(√(2)sinx) = ½(√(2)cosx)-½(√(3)cosx) sinx(1-√(2)) = cosx(√(2)-√(3)) sinx = ((√(2)-√...
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd November, 2023
Sir Mike Ambrose is the author of the question. Let the side length of the regular pentagon be 2 unit. Therefore the angle theta is; asin(2sin42÷1.65418183057) = 54° Area green is; Area...
By OnlineEdumath   |  1st November, 2023
Calculating yA. Notice; xA = 4 And y = (16+e^(0.5x))/4 y = ¼(16+e²) Where y is yA. Therefore; Shaded Area as a single fraction is; Area Rectangle with width 4 units and length ¼(16+e²) units - A...
By OnlineEdumath   |  1st November, 2023
Sir Mike Ambrose is the author of the question. Let the two equal lengths be 1 unit. (a) Calculating Theta exactly. Let theta be x. Calculating x. x = ½(90-54) x = ½(36) x = 18° sin18 = a/1 a = 0....
By OnlineEdumath   |  1st November, 2023
Let the single side length of the regular dodecagon be be 1 unit. Therefore; Area purple is; Area triangle with height √(3) unit and base 1 unit. = ½*√(3)*1 = ½√(3) square unit. Area ABCD (squar...
By OnlineEdumath   |  31st October, 2023
Area Red Total in 1 d. p. Square unit is; Area Square with side 2√(2) unit - Area triangle with height 2√(2) unit and base 1.1313708499 unit + Area triangle with two side √(13) unit and 3.285714285...
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