By OnlineEdumath   |  5th May, 2023
Short Story for Kids written by: Wendy Valeria Hernandez Rios. Emma was a girl living in a very big house, had three floors, five bedrooms, two bathrooms and one kitchen. She loved to play with h...
By OnlineEdumath   |  5th May, 2023
Notice; AB = 25 units. cos30 = 8√(3)/a a = 16 units. tan30 = b/(8√(3)) b = 8 units. Let the side of the regular hexagon be c. c = ¼(AC) Calculating AC. ((AC)/sin46) = (25/sin74) AC = 18.708219...
By OnlineEdumath   |  4th May, 2023
Short Story for Kids written by: Maria de los Angeles Morales Dominguez. When John arrived home, he went to introduce his new friends to the car, but was so disappointed when none of the toys spoke....
By OnlineEdumath   |  4th May, 2023
Semicircle radius is 5 cm. Circle radius is 4 cm. 5² = (5-x)²+√(16-x²)² 25 = 25-10x+x²+16-x² 10x = 16 x = 16/10 x = (8/5) cm. y = 5-x, and x = 8/5 cm. y = 5-(8/5) y = ⅕(17) cm. PQ is; 2√(5²-(17/...
By OnlineEdumath   |  4th May, 2023
Short Story for Kids written by: Maria de los Angeles Morales Dominguez. Once upon a time… There was a kid called John who had a toy car that he used to take with him everywhere. It was his favourit...
By OnlineEdumath   |  3rd May, 2023
Short Story for Kids written by: Carlos Cebrián Gonzalez. …The strange thing was that, the more vegetables he gave away, the more lettuces, chard, tomatoes, etc, were left in the wheelbarrow. And he...
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd May, 2023
a = 180-75-35 a = 70° (12/sin70) = (b/sin35) b = 7.32464753257 cm. c =2*35 c =70° Calculating R, radius of the ascribed bigger circle. d = ½(180-70) d = 55° R is; (R/sin55) = (7.32464753257/si...
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd May, 2023
Short Story for Kids written by: Carlos Cebrian González. …Lolo reluctantly went to the seed shop and bought seeds. He explained the project to his parents during dinner and ate only a plate of so...
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd May, 2023
Let the square side be 4 units. Square Area is; 4² = 16 square units. Calculating Area Yellow. It is; 2(area triangle with height and base 2√(2) units respectively - area quarter circle with r...
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd May, 2023
Short Story for Kids written by: Carlos Cebrian González. His name was Angel, but everybody called him Lolo since he was little. He was a sad, selfish kid, an only child and very lonely, because he...
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