By OnlineEdumath   |  1st May, 2023
Short Story for Kids written by: Silvia Hernández Suástegui. Ruth was a beautiful girl with red hair like the sun’s rays. Her large, beautiful black eyes which she had inherited from her maternal gr...
By OnlineEdumath   |  1st May, 2023
Notice; Green regular hexagon's side is 8 cm. sin60 = a/8 a = 4√(3) cm Where a is the the height of the white triangle enclosed by the two green regular hexagon and the regular pentagon. b = 2a...
By OnlineEdumath   |  30th April, 2023
New Short Story for Kids written by: Miranda Guzman. Willy was a friendly lion who ate everything he saw…He would eat everything his friends and neighbours had. He took his friend Peter Lion’s milk,...
By OnlineEdumath   |  30th April, 2023
Our Solution. Let the radius of the circle be r. Let x be the perpendicular height from the centre of the circle to the 18 units chord. Let y be the perpendicular height from the centre of the ci...
By OnlineEdumath   |  30th April, 2023
Let the base of the triangle ascribing the green and yellow area b 1 unit. tan55 = a/1 a = 1.42814800674 units. tan55 = b/(1-b) b = 0.58816349035 unit. Where b is the side of the white and yellow sq...
By OnlineEdumath   |  30th April, 2023
Short Story written by: Obed Madrid Calvo. A gnome who lived in the forest, was at home boiling chestnuts in his cooking pot as it was the soup he really liked. His friend, Mr.Snail appeared at t...
By OnlineEdumath   |  30th April, 2023
Screenshots of our today's meeting, teaching and learning activities with some of our very amazing, smart and clever learners; Ogheneruona, Ogheneruno, Oghenevwarhe, Manasseh and Oghenemano. Educat...
By OnlineEdumath   |  29th April, 2023
Short Story written by: Maribel. Today the forest is so lively. Rabbits leave their dens to greet the new day, the moles awake timidly from their lethargy, and get ready to start the day. Small deer...
By OnlineEdumath   |  29th April, 2023
2^(x)*2⁵ = 2^(x)*2³ + 12 Let 2^(x) be p. 32p = 8p + 12 24p = 12 p = ½ And p = 2^(x) Therefore; ½ = 2^(x) 2^(-1) = 2^(x) x = -1
By OnlineEdumath   |  29th April, 2023
Clever is never enough. Our Resilient and Productive Mathematics Educators make teaching and learning Mathematics fun for learners, communicate us to mentor/coach your child/children love Mathematics...
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