By OnlineEdumath   |  18th April, 2024
This is Online Edumath website created by Ogheneovo Daniel Ephivbotor. Online Edumath falls in EDUCATION line of business. You can visit us offline at our office located at : Lugbe, Federal...
By OnlineEdumath   |  18th April, 2024
The Management and Educators of Online Edumath kindly appreciate your words of affirmation and encouragement, Sir Bill. We are grateful! We pledge to keep working hard as we mentor/educate our lea...
By OnlineEdumath   |  18th April, 2024
Online Edumath Educators and Learners are Super Smart and Amazingly, Very Clever. Communicate us to mentor/teach/educate your child/children Mathematics online at affordable tuition, helping them be...
By OnlineEdumath   |  26th August, 2023
Mr. Daniel is one of our Educators, He is a certified, hardworking, dedicated and passionate Mathematics Educator that aim at taking the sincere, profound knowledge of Mathematics to the comfort of...
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd July, 2024
Sir Mike Ambrose is the author of the question. Let the side length of the square be a. tanb = a/(0.5a) b = atan(2)° c = 180-b-45 c = (135-atan(2))° (0.5a/sin(135-atan(2)) = (d/sin45)...
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd July, 2024
Calculating yellow inscribed circle area. a² = 6²+8² a = √(100) a = 10 units. 2b² = 10² b² = 50  b = 5√(2) units. b is the radius of the half circle. (5√(2)/sin45) = (8/sinc) c = 53....
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd July, 2024
Calculating r, radius of the inscribed half circle. a = (r-3) units. b = (r-6) units. It implies; r² = a²+b² r² = (r-3)²+(r-6)² r² = r²-6r+9+r²-12r+36 r²-18r+45 = 0 Resolving the...
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd July, 2024
Notice! Diagonal of the inscribed rectangle is also the radius of the ascribed circle. Let it be a. b = (a-2) units. c = (a-1) units. It implies; a² = (a-1)²+(a-2)² a² = a²-2a+1+...
By OnlineEdumath   |  1st July, 2024
Sir Mike Ambrose is the author of the question. Let the single side length of the square be 2 unit. Therefore; Area blue is; Area triangle of height (12+2√(3))/9 unit and base 2 unit -...
By OnlineEdumath   |  1st July, 2024
Sir Mike Ambrose is the author of the question. Area A exactly as a single fraction is; Area sector with radius 2√(2) units and angle 60° - Area equilateral triangle with side 2√(2) units+ Ar...
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