By OnlineEdumath   |  11th May, 2023
Blue area is; ½(2.5)²π - (180-2atan(3/4))π(2²)/360 + 0.5*2²sin(180-2atan(3/4)) - (180-2atan(4/3))π(1.5)²/360 + 0.5*1.5²sin(180-2atan(4/3)) + ½(4*3) - 2atan(4/3)π(1.5²)/360 + 0.5(1.5²)sin(2atan(4/3)...
By OnlineEdumath   |  11th May, 2023
Blue area is; 8(area quarter circle with radius 4 cm - area triangle with height and base 4 cm respectively - area quarter circle with radius 2 cm + area triangle with height and base 2 cm respecti...
By OnlineEdumath   |  11th May, 2023
Absolutely clever is not enough. Online Edumath Educators are Resilient, Hardworking and Productive, making teaching and learning Mathematics fun for learners, helping learners experience the beauty...
By OnlineEdumath   |  11th May, 2023
Short Story written by: Gisselle “It´s lunch time! It´s time to eat”, says the teacher. Martha has bread with jam, Lily has soup, Anna, bread with cheese and Charlie, chicken and chips. But...
By OnlineEdumath   |  11th May, 2023
Short story for kids. Charlie was an eight year old boy who was obedient, humble and dedicated. His father was a carpenter and his mother was a housewife and they barely had any money to eat because...
By OnlineEdumath   |  10th May, 2023
Let the side of the regular pentagon be 1 unit. Calculating Area Red. a² = 1²+1²-2*1*1cos108 a = 1.61803398875 units. b = 108-36-60 b = 12° (c/sin12) = (1.61803398875/sin96) c = 0.33826121272 un...
By OnlineEdumath   |  10th May, 2023
a² = 10²+16²-2*10*16cos120 a = 2√(129) units. Where a is length AC. (3√(129)/sin120) = (16/sinb) b = 37.58908946897° c = 90-b c = 52.41091053103°  d = 60-b d = 22.41091053103° e = 90-d e = 67.5...
By OnlineEdumath   |  10th May, 2023
Short Story for Children written by: Daniel Sanchez. John was a very nice and educated child with all children from school, and they also liked him. One day, a new student came to his class, was cal...
By OnlineEdumath   |  9th May, 2023
sin30 = a/12 a = 6 cm. Where a = AF. AF = EF = 6cm. tan30 = b/12 b = 12tan30 b = 4√(3) cm. Where b = AG. Notice; AG = EG = 4√(3) cm. c = AB-AG c = 12-4√(3) c = (12-4√(3)) cm. Where c = BG. d²...
By OnlineEdumath   |  9th May, 2023
Let AC be 1 unit. Area smaller pentagon is; ½(5)*(1/(2tan(36))) = 1.72047740059 square units. a² = 1²+0.5²-cos108 a = 1.24860602048 units. Where a is CD. (1.24860602048/sin108) = (0.5/sinb) b...
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