By OnlineEdumath   |  3rd June, 2023
Let AB = x Let r be the radius of the semi circle. It implies; OC = x-r y = √(r²-(x-r)²) y = √(r²-(x²-2xr+r²)) y = √(2xr-x²) Therefore; 6²+r² = (x-r)²+(2+√(2xr-x²))² 6²+r² = x²-2xr+r²+4+4√(2xr...
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd June, 2023
r² = x²+√(8)² x = √(r²-8) units. Calculating r, radius of the semi circle. 3² = x²+(√(8)-(r/2))² 9 = √(r²-8)²+8-2√(2)r+(r²/4) 9 = r²-8+8-2√(2)r+(r²/4) 36 = 4r²-8√(2)r+r² 5r²-8√(2)r-36 = 0 Solvin...
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd June, 2023
Please, move a step right to review the analyzed figure. Considering similar triangle ABG ratios. AG = x 12 = 12-x It implies; AG = 12x/(12-x) Notice; Angle ABG = Angle EFI, therefore consider...
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd June, 2023
Let the forward diagonal of the quadrilateral be 2 units. (2/sin110) = (a/sin35) a = 1.22077458876 units. (b/sin30) = (2/sin55) b = 1.22077458876 units. It implies; x = ½(180-130) x = 25°
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd June, 2023
Online Edumath Educators and Learners are Smart and Clever!
By OnlineEdumath   |  2nd June, 2023
Let the base of the ascribed triangle be 1 unit. a = 180-3-6 a = 171° (1/sin171) = (b/sin3) b = 0.33455515209 units. c = 180-30-87 c = 63° (1/sin63) = (d/sin30) d = 0.56116311882 units. e² = 0....
By OnlineEdumath   |  1st June, 2023
Considering similar plane shapes (triangle) ratios; 10 = y (16+x) = x Cross multiply and making y the subject of the formula. y = 10x/(16+x) ----- (1) And; 24+½(xy) = ½)10x) ----- (2) Su...
By OnlineEdumath   |  31st May, 2023
Calculating BC. (BC/sin30) = (12/sin75) BC = 6.21165708246 cm. Calculating EF. (6.21165708246/sin75) = (EF/sin30) EF = 3.21539030917 cm. Angle FEG is; 360-2(75)-60 = 360-210 = 150° It implies;...
By OnlineEdumath   |  31st May, 2023
Let the radius of the circle be r. Calculating r. √(r²-4)+√(r²-1) = 3 r²-4 = (3-√(r²-1))² r²-4 = 9-6√(r²-1)+r²-1 6√(r²-1) = 12 √(r²-1) = 2 r = √(5) units.
By OnlineEdumath   |  31st May, 2023
BC = √(3²+4²) BC = 5 cm. tana = (4/3) a = atan(4/3)° tan(½(atan(4/3))) = AF/3 AF = 3tan(½(atan(4/3))) AF = 1.5 cm. b = 90-½(atan(4/3)) b = 63.43494882292° Where b is angle AFE. sin63.43494882292...
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