By OnlineEdumath   |  13th June, 2024
Sir Mike Ambrose is the author of the question. Let the side length of one of the three congruent squares be 2 units. Therefore; Area square is; 2² = 4 square units. Area Green is; Area triangle...
By OnlineEdumath   |  12th June, 2024
Let the side of the regular heptagon be 2 units. Calculating PH. AH is; AH = 2sin(180/7)÷sin(720/7) AH = 0.89008373583 unit. AP is; AP = √(2-2cos(540/7)) AP = 1.24697960372 unit...
By OnlineEdumath   |  12th June, 2024
Let a be the side length of the blue inscribed square. Calculating Area of the blue inscribed square. tan60 = a/b b = ⅓(√(3)a) cm. b = 0.5773502692a cm. c = a+b c = 1.5773502692a cm. Calculating...
By OnlineEdumath   |  12th June, 2024
Let the square side length be 1 unit. a = 1+1 a = 2 units. a is twice the side length of the square which is also the height of the equilateral triangle. Therefore; tan60 = 2/b b = ⅓(2√(3)) units...
By OnlineEdumath   |  12th June, 2024
a² = 3²+4²-2*3*4cos60 a² = 25-12 a = √(13) units. a = 3.6055512755 units. a is the side length of the square. (√(13)/sin60) = (4/sinb) b = 73.897886248° sin73.897886248 = c/3 c = 2.8823067685 unit...
By OnlineEdumath   |  12th June, 2024
Let the radius of the ascribed half circle be 2 units. Therefore; Area Blue is; Area triangle with height 4 units and base √(2)sin45 units. = ½*4*√(2)sin45 = 2 square units. Or Area...
By OnlineEdumath   |  11th June, 2024
Calculating the area of the blue inscribed circle. a = 8-5 a = 3 cm. b²+3² = c² c is the side length of the regular triangle. b = √(c²-9) cm. 5²+d² = c² d = √(c²-25) cm. 8²+e² = c²...
By OnlineEdumath   |  11th June, 2024
Let a be the side length of the inscribed square. b² = 2a² b = √(2)a units. b is the radius of the half circle. tanc = a/√(2)a c = atan(1/√(2))° d² = a²+(√(2)a)² d² = a²+2a² d = √(3)a units. e =...
By OnlineEdumath   |  11th June, 2024
Let a be the radius of the inscribed semi circle. Therefore; Calculating a. (2a)²+a² = 25² 5a² = 25*25 a = 5√(5) units. 2a is; 2*5√(5) = 10√(5) units. Therefore, red shaded region is; Area tri...
By OnlineEdumath   |  11th June, 2024
a² = 3²+4² a = 5 units. a is the diagonal of the ascribed rectangle. 3b+5b+4b = 12 b = 1 unit. b is the radius of the inscribed circle. c = 3-1 c = 2 units. tand = 2/1 d = atan(2)° e = 360-90-2d...
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