By OnlineEdumath   |  7th June, 2024
Let CD be b units. Let BC be a units. c = 2+4  c = 6 units. Observing similar plane shape (right-angled) side length ratios. a - 6 6 - b Cross Multiply. ab = 36 --- (1). Let alph...
By OnlineEdumath   |  7th June, 2024
tana = (0.5*4)/6 tana = ⅓ a = atan(⅓)° b = 2a b = 2atan(⅓)° c = ½(180-b) c = ½(180-36.8698976458) c = 71.5650511771° d = c+½(180-c) d = 125.7825255886° e = 180-d e = 54.2174744115° f = 180-125....
By OnlineEdumath   |  7th June, 2024
Let a be the side length of the inscribed blue square. b² = 2a² b = √(2)a units. 2c² = a² c = √(a²/2) c = ½√(2)a unit. It implies; 1² = (√(2)a)²+(½√(2)a)² 1 = 2a²+½(a²) 1 = ½(5a²)...
By OnlineEdumath   |  7th June, 2024
For y = (25/16) unit. x is; (25/16) = (5/4)^(2x) 2x = 2 x = 1 unit. Gradient of the curve at x equal 1 unit is; dy/dx = (25/8)ln(5/4) At y = 0 at the tangent, x is; x = (50ln(5/4)-25)/50ln(5/4)...
By OnlineEdumath   |  6th June, 2024
Radius of the inscribed circle, r is; √(5)r + r = 2 r = 2/(√(5)+1) unit. r = ½(√(5)-1) unit Therefore; Area Yellow exactly is square units is; 2(area triangle with height (√(5)-1) unit...
By OnlineEdumath   |  6th June, 2024
Sir Mike Ambrose is the author of the question. tan30 = a/6 a = 2√(3) cm. b = (6-2√(3)) cm. sin30 = 2√(3)/c c = 4√(3) cm. 6d+2√(3)d+ 4√(3)d = 6*2√(3) (6+6√(3))d = 12√(3) d = (72√(3)-216...
By OnlineEdumath   |  6th June, 2024
Showing that quadrilateral ABCD is cyclic. Notice! For quadrilateral ABCD to be cyclic; Angle ADC will equal 2 times angle ABC. Angle ADC = 2(Angle ABC) It implies; Since Angle ABC...
By OnlineEdumath   |  6th June, 2024
Blue area is; ½(9x2)+½(√(68)x√(17)) = 9+½(34) = 9+17 = 26 cm²
By OnlineEdumath   |  6th June, 2024
RT = √((8+5)²-5²) RT = √(169-25) RT = √(144) RT = 12 cm. RT is the required length.
By OnlineEdumath   |  6th June, 2024
Blue area will be; ½(5.2x6.4)+½(2x8) = ½(33.28)+8 = 16.64+8.00 = 26.64 square unit.
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