By OnlineEdumath   |  22nd May, 2023
Screenshot of today's teaching and learning activities with some of our very amazing, smart and clever learners; Ogheneruona (year 10), Ogheneruno (year 9), Oghenevwarhe (year 8), Destiny (year 10)...
By OnlineEdumath   |  21st May, 2023
Our Resilient, Hardworking and Productive Educators make teaching and learning Mathematics fun for learners, we mentor learners experience the beauty of Mathematics. Communicate us to mentor/coach y...
By OnlineEdumath   |  21st May, 2023
(2√(2)/sin135) = (√(2)/sina) a = 20.70481105464° b = 180-20.70481105464-135 b = 24.29518894536° (c/sin24.29518894536) = (2√(2)/sin135) c = 1.64575131106 units. Where c is the height of the yellow...
By OnlineEdumath   |  21st May, 2023
Screenshot of today's teaching and learning activities with some of our talented, smart and clever learners; Oghenevwarhe, Oghenemano and Destiny. Educators; Mr. Ovo, Mr. Ogheneovo We are smart...
By OnlineEdumath   |  20th May, 2023
a² = 11*11+10*10-2*11*10cos50 a = 8.92113926968 cm. (8.92113926968/sin50) = (10/sinb) b = 59.16920318624° c = 180-50-59.16920318624 c = 70.83079681376°  d = 0.5a d = 4.46056963484 cm. e² = 4.460...
By OnlineEdumath   |  20th May, 2023
Let the side length of the regular pentagon be 1 unit. tan36 = a/0.5 a = 0.363271264 unit. b² = 0.363271264²+0.5² b = 0.61803398875 unit. tan72 = c/0.5 c = 1.53884176859 units. Area Green is; 0...
By OnlineEdumath   |  19th May, 2023
Our Resilient, Hardworking and Productive Educators make teaching and learning Mathematics fun for learners, we mentor learners experience the beauty of Mathematics. Communicate us to mentor/coach y...
By OnlineEdumath   |  19th May, 2023
Weeks to Days Before the Test Take good notes. You don't have to transcribe your instructor's lessons word for word, it's more important to listen than to take perfect notes! Instead, think about...
By OnlineEdumath   |  19th May, 2023
Focus on Understanding Concepts You can memorize formulas and rules to complete many math problems, but this doesn't mean that you understand the underlying concepts behind what you're doing. This m...
By OnlineEdumath   |  19th May, 2023
a = atan(½)° b² = 2(10)² b = 10√(2) units. c = (45-atan(½))° cos(atan(½)) = d/20 d = 17.88854382 units. Area x is; 0.5*17.88854382*10√(2)sin(45-atan(0.5)) = 40 square units.
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