By OnlineEdumath   |  21st April, 2023
Let the square side be 2 units. tan30 = a/2 a = ⅓(2√(3)) unit. sin60 = 2/b b = ⅓(4√(3)) units. c = 2-a c = ⅓(6-2√(3)) units. It implies; Area Shaded is; 2(½*(⅓(6-2√(3)))²sin60) + 2*⅓(6-2√(3))...
By OnlineEdumath   |  21st April, 2023
The Management and Educators of Online Edumath gladly wish you, Ogheneruona a happy belated birthday. Thank you for allowing us to celebrate with you. Ogheneruona is a year 10 student, a Mathematici...
By OnlineEdumath   |  21st April, 2023
The Management and Educators of Online Edumath are happy to welcome our online learners;  Sharon, Ogheneruona, Ogheneruno, Oghenemano, Oghenevwarhe, Manasseh, Oghosa, Efemena, Adesuwa, The Prince,...
By OnlineEdumath   |  21st April, 2023
The Management and Educators of Online Edumath gladly wish you, Oghenevwarhe a happy belated birthday. Thank you for allowing us to celebrate with you. Oghenevwarhe designed her birthday card hersel...
By OnlineEdumath   |  20th April, 2023
Once upon a time there was a school for little keys, and the Maths teacher was a master key. The pupils were between 5 and 9 years old. Everybody respected the master key. She was the only key abl...
By OnlineEdumath   |  20th April, 2023
1. Do All Homework A student must not treat homework as a choice. It is the most important and effective way that students should practice to master the concepts taught in the classroom. Students...
By OnlineEdumath   |  20th April, 2023
Once upon a time, there was a little soldier named Lead. He was a member of the Royal Guard in a faraway kingdom. Lead was 60 years old, and was the head of the three soldiers that made up the Roy...
By OnlineEdumath   |  19th April, 2023
Inside a crystal ball lived two colleagues that didn't get along very well. They were called Addition and Subtraction. Addition had a positive mind and was always counting numbers from zero: “zero,...
By OnlineEdumath   |  19th April, 2023
Once upon a time there was a child who really loved studying, but one day, his teacher scolded him because he had been late to school. The next day, Charlie was late again, and the teacher advised h...
By OnlineEdumath   |  19th April, 2023
Mathematics knowledge provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor. In addition, mathematical knowledge plays a crucial role in helping l...
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