By OnlineEdumath   |  29th May, 2023
Let the ascribed quarter circle be 2 units. 2a² = 2² a² = 2 a = √(2) units. b = (2-√(2)) units. c² = (√(2))²+(2-√(2))² c² = 2+4-4√(2)+2 c² = 8-4√(2) c = √(8-4√(2)) units. d² = √(8-4√(2))²-√(2)²...
By OnlineEdumath   |  29th May, 2023
Let the square side be 2 units. a = √(2²+1²) a = √(5) units. b = atan(2)° c = atan(½)° d² = 8-8cos150 d = 3.86370330516 units. e = 0.5d e = 1.93185165258 units. f = 90-15-atan(½) f = 48.434948...
By OnlineEdumath   |  29th May, 2023
Calculating AQ using similar plane shapes (triangle) rule. 12 = 6   6 = a cross multiply. 12a = 36 a = 3 cm. Where a is AQ. PQ = √(6²+3²) PQ =√(45) PQ = 3√(5) cm. BQ = 12-3 BQ = 9 cm. Calculati...
By OnlineEdumath   |  29th May, 2023
Screenshot of today's teaching and learning activities with some of our amazing, smart and clever learners; Ogheneruona (year 10), Oghenevwarhe (year 8), Manasseh (year 8) and Oghenemano (year 8). E...
By OnlineEdumath   |  28th May, 2023
a = atan(2)° b = 180-2a b = (180-2atan(2))° Where b is angle FBP. Notice; CQ = 5 cm. Calculating FP using sine rule. Let FP be c. (c/sin(180-2atan(2))) = (5/sin(atan(2))) c = 4.472135955 cm....
By OnlineEdumath   |  27th May, 2023
Let the AB be 4 cm. Therefore, radius of the inscribed semi circle is; radius = 2 cm. Let the radius of the inscribed circle be r. Calculating r. (2+r)² = (4-r)²+(2-r)² 4+4r+r² = 16-8r+r²+4-4r+r²...
By OnlineEdumath   |  27th May, 2023
Let the inscribed blue quarter circle radius be r. Calculating r. Considering similar triangles rule. r = 4 8 = r (cross multiply). r² = 32 r = 4√(2) cm. Therefore; Area blue (area quarter...
By OnlineEdumath   |  27th May, 2023
Calculating the side length of square ABCD. 2x² = 8² x² = 32 x = 4√(2) units. Where x is AB. Let BG = y Semi circle radius r is; r = ½(4√(2)+y) units. Calculating y. sin45 = ½(4√(2)+y)/...
By OnlineEdumath   |  27th May, 2023
Screenshot of yesterday's teaching and learning activities with some of our high flyers, smart and clever learners; Arithmetical Oghenevwarhe and Mathematical Ogheneruona, we are super proud of you....
By OnlineEdumath   |  26th May, 2023
a² = 10²+10²-2*10*10cos150 a = 19.31851652578 cm. Where a is AF which is equal AE. (19.31851652578/sin150) = (10/sinb) b = 15° Where b is angle BAF. tan15 = c/10 c = 2.67949192431 cm. It implies;...
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