Short Story for Children written by: Agustin
It was a quite monday in spring, a normal day, but for Arnold was a big day. It was the day of the important match, the match to decide which was the best team of the school year.
The players of his team were: Arnold, Anthony, Josh Dempsey, Josh Milles, John, Gareth and Mark. And the players of the other team were, Sean, Peter, Mike, Philip Richards, Philip Olsen, Anthony Scully, Jack Thompson and Charlie Malcolm.
Arnold´s team had various exams after break time. The tension between the captains was felt in the air. Arnold and James looked at each other with tension.
And the match finally starts. They were matched, only five minutes left for the match to finish and the result was 0-0 tie, but finally arrived the goal shot, they passed the ball to each other until finally, Arnold advances alone with the ball toward the battlefront and shoots…. and… GOAAAAAAAAL !!!!!!!!!
The end of break time arrives and the bell sounds. The winner is Arnold´s team. The whole team celebrated it together at the end of the day in Arnold´s house.
And that is the end of the story…
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