Mathematics Question and Solution

By Ogheneovo Daniel Ephivbotor
18th August, 2024

Calculating yellow area.

a² = 5²+5²-2*5*5cos120

120° is the single interior angle of the regular hexagon.

a = 5√(3) units.

a = 8.6602540378 units.

tanb = a/(2.5)

b = atan(5√(3)/(5/2))

b = atan(2√(3))°

b = 73.897886248°

b is the angle of the yellow incomplete sector.

c² = 2.5²+(5√(3))²

c = 8.6746757864 units.

d = ½(c)

d = 4.3373378932 units.

d is the radius of the yellow incomplete sector.

e = 90-atan(2.5/(5√(3)))

e = 73.897886248°

f² = 4.33733789322+5²-2*5*4.3373378932cos73.897886248

f = 5.6376315149 units.

(5.6376315149/sin73.897886248) = (4.3373378932/sing)

g = 47.6609317741°

5² = 4.3373378932²+5.6376315149²-2*5.6376315149*4.3373378932cosh

25.5953890976/48.9046255949 = cosh

h = 58.4411819776°

j = h-g

j = 10.7802502035°

k² = 2(4.3373378932)²-2(4.3373378932)²cos10.7802502035

k = 0.814870654 units.

l = ½(180-10.7802502035)

l = 84.6098748983°

(5/sin(180-73.897886248)) = (4.3373378932/sinm)

m = 56.4533220414°

n = 180-m-(180-73.897886248)

n = 17.4445642066°

(5/sin(180-73.897886248)) = (o/sin17.4445642066)

o = 1.5601196876 units.

p = d-o

p = 2.7772182056 units.

q² = 2.7772182056²+0.814870654²-2*0.814870654*2.7772182056cos84.6098748983

q = 2.8198907223 units.

2.8198907223² = 50-50cosr

50cosr = 42.0482163143

r = 32.7579093794°

Therefore, yellow area is;


= 12.1318184065-1.1265333436-7.1466671843+6.76363209

= 10.6222499686 square units.


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